All is right in the world,
So, Obama has won. Let's see if it has been all worthwhile. Will he be more than the P.ot.U.S.A, but a planetary leader. Nice suit, they must have made improvements in bulletproof jackets.
Secret service probably shit bricks over Obama win. More work for them with all the dumbass rednecks left in the country.
Just told kids they are getting puppy. Will be most popular dog in USA soon? I hope he gets a mutt. Symbolism and all. Love the name “Axelrod”- he's chief of staff?. Dude should have been military. Nice to see mix of races everywhere celebrating this. Even in Harlem. It took 40 years but the Dream has finally happened. I think he just quoted JFK, “government by the people, for the people, shall not perish, etc. Jesse Jackson, Senator(?) from GA who took a beating in march with MLK JR. I don't remember in my lifetime seeing a turn out like this for voting/ presidential candidate win. Crowds in NYC and Chicago are huge. A small crowd outside of White House. Massachusetts votes to decriminalize weed. Watch the jail population cut by third over next 2 years
they just put lots o money in their pocket with a fine instead.
Wonder if obama will start bodybuilding on gov Schwarzenegger's comment-
“his legs are too skinny!”
CBS showning all the celbs, Jesse Jackson, Oprah during 106 year old black woman voter story
btw... this is the big speech, bush will be forgotten as obama “de facto” pres
maybe we should get him the pope mobile, 125k plus in the park
oprah is crying, jesse too, awwww, all pres and vp family on stage, {group hug}
results of nebraska voting for pres, nader was on the ticket again, 2k+ voted for him, half coming from northern omaha??? listen i'm all for more parties, but on the surface this looks dumb
now 200k+ ppl?, either way huge crowd, election day needs to be holiday
if we can get ppl out to vote like this all the time you could see the return of an actual democracy
maybe even vote to end lobbying, i know its a stretch even Mr. Fantastic might not be able to handle
(local news cutting in with nothing important to say)
Obama 44th pres in 200+ yrs, 1st blk guy (even though just half)
Nice to see no controversy, wins pop vote by 4 mil so far, and 330+ elec coll votes
Battleground states, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Florida, Colorado, Iowa, Virginia go for Obama
possibly even Missouri (still not called at 2am CST) who has voted for the elected pres all but once since the 50's
if al franken can win,(probably recount now) do we see pumpkin head and hannity running for office next?
Sorry to see SNL lose great material, but ok with that if economy gets fixed
affirmative action killed in Nebraska, haven't seen any coverage on same sex marriage votes
Abortion changes mostly all get shot down.
I wonder if Palin will appoint herself senator in Alaska since current Senator gets kicked out of office.... i'll say she will, to get to DC some how then run for Pres in 2012.
Reporter at Indiana U. just landed a permanent job... we'll see Luke Russert a lot in 4 years, RIP Tim, (sorry he didnt get to see this)
large crowd now at white house, shot of grant park, chicago again, office building in bkgrd w/ usa in office lights
ttfn, still on eastern standard time, feels like 2 am right now just b4 midnight
must be time for bed, i'm going slightly mental, bloodhound gang- kmwisf running thru my head
ttfn for realz this time, maybe not, a little World o' Warcraft first...
still watching while patch dowmloads... 100mil + voters, awesome
This only way this gets better is if Bush and/or Cheney drop dead in teh next 24 hours or so.
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