Saturday, March 15, 2008


As I thought, Rockband is AWESOME!!
I played last night with 3 other guys who do pretty well at Guitar Hero. I think even on easy the guitar/bass parts are a little harder. But the awesomer part is playing the drums. Kind of difficult at first, if you've never played the drums before. I haven't and my leg and arms would get mixed up. I felt retarded during the first song and by the time I had four songs done it still happened a few times of the harder combos. Then at the end of the night I sang for 4-5 songs in a row. Well, it wasn't really that many, included were 3 failed attempts at Enter Sandman by Metallica. One of the hardest song for amateurs on easy mode. Once, we got past 50%. Did much better with Weezer "Say It Ain't So", then "Run to the Hills" by Iron Maiden. My voice was cracking like Peter Brady on the high notes, which was for most of the song. Boston "Foreplay/Longtime" was the finale. You don't really have to sing, just match the pitch needed. I'm surprised the neighbors didn't call the cops on us thinking we were strangling monkeys, plus the damn microphone provides some nice feedback squeal when you pause the game. Overall, I want to buy this immediately for myself. Plus, I'll record myself singing to keep away the crows when I move to some cornfield in Nebraska. Thumbs up for the better graphics. Favorite was when the band failed a song and the crowd boos, throws shit on stage, the singer throws his mike at the guitarist. Here's vid of how I might play after a long winter in Omaha. At 1:40 the music shuts off to show how annoying the drum kit sounds by itself. Good thing last night the kit I played on had felt glued to the pads.

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